Elevate your portfolio with assets that yield

above 18% per year.

Low volatility and low correlation with traditional assets

Leading platform in Latin America with 110,000 investors

Carefully selected originators

  • CNN
  • Estadão
  • Exame
  • Forbes
  • InfoMoney
  • Valor
grafico comparativo de rendimento
aplicativo da hurst

Our Platform

According to studies published by JP Morgan, having 30% of the portfolio in alternative assets reduces the intrinsic volatility of the portfolio and increases profitability

R$ 300 MM

Distributed to our investors

+1 Billion

Already originated for our clients

Why Invest in Alternative Assets?

Diversifying is investing with intelligence and security. Without the ups and downs of the stock market and with returns above traditional assets.

See how much your money can earn by investing with Hurst Capital

Completed operations that yielded returns of 14% to 40% per year to our 110,000+ investors.

See opportunities
Em 18 meses você terá:
Em 32 meses você terá:
Em 48 meses você terá:

*Simulation based on an average annual return of 25% considering Hurst Capital's recent operations. Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Yields above 18% per year

Diversify with investment opportunities outside the traditional market, which offer much higher returns than the market usually provides.

Investments uncorrelated with the Stock Market

Studies conducted by JP Morgan indicate that having up to 30% of alternative assets reduces portfolio volatility and increases profitability.

Thorough investigation

All operations undergo a rigorous due diligence analysis so that you have access only to opportunities with excellent risk-return ratio.

Real Economy Guarantee

A large portion of alternative assets are backed by assets or rights, which provides even more security for your investment.

Download our App

Invest today and protect the future of your wealth. The largest ecosystem of alternative assets in Latin America, we have originated over R$ 1 billion for more than 110,000 investors.


What people say about us

Having a good idea is important, but knowing how to execute it is essential. I know the founders of Hurst and they have succeeded in democratizing this type of investment. With the extensive instruction and information they provide, it becomes easier to make the decision.

Carlos R. T.

Alta Vista Investimentos

I have had a great experience with Hurst since the first live session I attended about precatory and throughout the contract signing process. The product and its context were presented in a simple manner, and the process was equally simple, which gained my trust. I trust Arthur, his partners, and their teams. I am Hurst too!

Maristela L.



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Completed operations that yielded returns of 14% to 40% per year to our 110,000+ investors.

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